Rising Star Systems

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Social Media is everywhere – but what is it really?

And how do you incorporate it into your smart marketing plan, efficiently and effectively?

Debra interviews Ariel Hyatt from Cyber PR, who enlightens us with:

  • An overview of Social Media
  • The top 3 mistakes people make with social media
  • Specifically how to use social media to expand your fanbase and make more money!

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Listen to the Interview:

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Read the Interview Transcript

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(Transcript coming soon)
Download the full transcript of Social Media – An Interview With Ariel Hyatt, CyberPR
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Ariel Hyatt

Debra Russell, Artists Marketing and Business Academy, Ariel Hyatt, Music Promotion, PR, Social Media, twitter, internet marketing, social media marketing, social networking
From left, Dean Krippaehne, Vikki Flawith, Ariel Hyatt, Derek Sivers, Debra Russell, TAXI Panel

Ariel Hyatt is the founder of Ariel Publicity & Cyber PR a New York based digital PR firm that connects artists, authors and filmmakers to blogs, podcasts, internet radio stations and social media sites. Over the past 13 years her firm has represented over 1,400 musicians of all genres.

Educating musicians is her passion and her philosophy is: combine social media with Internet marketing to help artists grow their fanbase and increase their income.

Several times a year, she leads sold-out workshops to musicians and music industry professionals looking to learn about Social media and online marketing. Her bi-weekly ezine and YouTube series “Sound Advice” has over 10,000 subscribers and she is a contributing blogger to Music Think Tank.

Ariel has written dozens of articles on how to navigate the “new” music business and her book: Music Success in Nine Weeks is available at Amazon.

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