Rising Star Systems

How to Create a Fanbase From Scratch

Artists MBA, Professional Program

Back in February, I interviewed Ariel Hyatt about how to create a successful crowd funding campaign. The first thing you need to build a successful crowdfunding campaign is, well, a CROWD! It seems obvious, I know – and yet you’d be shocked how often I get this question from people who have 150 names on […]

7 Secrets to Get Booked on Corporate Stages with Tiamo De Vettori

Tiamo De Vettori, stages

At the Artists Marketing & Business Academy, we’re all about making a prosperous and sustainable living doing what you love. Are you sick and tired of playing small gigs that pay you next to nothing for your musical talent? What if you could play on huge stages in front of hundreds, if not thousands of […]

Fear of Success or Fear of Failure?

What’s stopping you?  Do you know? What blocks you from pursuing your dreams with all that you have, all that you are, all of your might? Often when asked this question, the answer is either: Fear of Success or Fear of Failure   And often it’s even expressed as both – “Maybe it’s fear of […]

Goals – What Are They Good For?

Goals, Vision, Planning

I’ve been reading Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, by Daniel H. Pink.  I expect I’ll be writing an article about Motivation when I’m done with it.  But while the book does question the value of setting goals, I am still a big fan of them.  In Drive, the studies seem to discount […]

How to Use Goals, Actions and Strategies to Craft a Plan

music business coach, success, promotion, marketing, artists

In Part One of this article – Goals and Actions and Strategies – Oh, MY! – I clarified the differences between goals, actions and strategies and talked about why that is a difference that makes a difference. In this article, I’m going to explain how you can design a plan that employs all three aspects. […]

Are Goals Really Necessary?

Create Your Vision, Goals, Dreams

I was having a conversation with a client the other day.  He’s an engineer and is always working on cutting edge, invention type stuff.  He said that setting goals doesn’t work in this type of  design.  Because when you are inventing something for the first time, you don’t really know what you’re going to end […]

Goals and Actions and Strategies – Oh, MY!

I was on the TAXI Forum and I came upon this thread “Post your Goals after attending the Rally” (the yearly conference for TAXI Members). While reading through people’s responses to the question, I noticed that most posts were a combination of goals, actions and strategies, with the posters conflating their intended actions, strategies and […]

Branding 101

Artists MBA, Foundation Program

What is branding? Branding is a fundamental marketing concept that is often misunderstood by business owners. According to Wikipedia: “A brand is a “Name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.”[1] Branding began as a way to tell one person’s cattle […]

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Step 3: Expand What’s Possible

Artists MBA, Professional Program

Step 3 of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Roadmap to Success method for achieving your goals is “Explore all the ways to get there.”  Most people, when they Set a Goal, jump right into action doing all the things they know to do in order to achieve that goal. The problem is that they don’t know what they […]

Debra Recommends LaTour de Force Productions

video editing, professional reel, actors, directors, musician, band

Professional Performance Reel Production Latour de Force Productions will take your footage and help choose your scenes in a fashion that will best represent you, while being consistent with your brand! They custom design your reel, and make it fun to watch – with titles, captions, transitions, and music. They also apply basic color and […]