How to Create Focus
At any given moment, on any given day, the average person is thinking about 14 different things – Does that sound familiar? Between the Day Job (for many Artists), family, your personal needs (such as exercise), and your ambitions for creating your business as a professional in the Arts & Entertainment Industry, life can be […]
Clear the Plate – the 2nd Key to Maintaining Focus
In the first installment of this series we created a big brainstorm list of all the stuff that makes up the chaos. Just to remind you of the overview: 5 Keys to Manage Chaos Acknowledge the reality of your current circumstances Take everything off the plate that you can Ask for help Manage your emotions […]
Maintaining Focus in the Face of Chaos – 1st Key
The Holiday Season can be so joyfully chaotic, can’t it? Parties and travel and family (with all the baggage that goes with that!). For many performers there are also holiday gigs and holiday gift promotions to promote on top of that. It can all be so overwhelming. So many things to do, so many demands […]
Marketing 101
Marketing is fundamental to your success. If you’re out to make a prosperous living doing what you love, it just won’t happen without marketing. Yet few artists spend much time learning this foundational set of skills.
Copyright and Trademark Basics an Interview with Jeff Fabian
Trademark and copyright protection are fundamental components of a sound business strategy for all artists and professionals in the Music Business, Visual Arts or Film and Television Industry. But do we have to be lawyers to understand the basics? Jeff Fabian says “NO!” and he is going to going to prove it to us in […]
Overcoming Fear
Fear is an emotion. Courage is a skill. We will show you ways to develop the skill of courage in response to the emotion of fear … so you can move forward and achieve your desired level of success.
Embrace Your Unique Voice as an Artist
This is primarily directed to artists, but really, it applies to all of us. Being a unique voice in a world that values sameness can be a rough row to hoe. As children, we’re taught, encouraged, sometimes even bludgeoned and beaten into sameness. Don’t be too loud. Don’t show how smart you are. Don’t blow […]
Don’t be a Needy Artist
Over the past few years, since I started doing the Ask Coach Debra Calls and being more active on Twitter and Facebook, I’ve had many encounters that go something like this:
How to Embrace Your Unique Voice as an Artist
As children we are taught, by our parents, our teachers, our siblings and our peers, that in order to be loved, we must blend in. We must conform our uniqueness to be “appropriate”. And its an important skill to have – to know society’s rules and be able to act accordingly with volition. But as […]
Facebook Promotion Etiquette
In the last week, 2 people have gone onto my Facebook Pages – Debra Russell and Artists Marketing & Business Academy – and posted that I should check out their Facebook Page or ReverbNation Page. And my first reaction was – wow, that’s rude.