Rising Star Systems

Money Management: Building Your Financial Foundation

Artists MBA, Foundation Program

Many of us think our trouble with money is that we just don’t have enough. If we had more money, our problems would disappear. But the vast majority of lottery winners are broke within 3 years. The problem isn’t the money – it’s how we think about, manage, and use this essential resource. “Money is […]


Suppose that what you fear could be trapped and held in Paris. Then you would have the courage to go everywhere in the world. All the directions of the compass open to you, except the degrees east or west of true north that lead to Paris. Still, you wouldn’t dare put your toes smack dab […]

Transform Your Inner Critic into Your Staunchest Ally

Artists MBA, Professional Program

Are you plagued by internal doubts and self-criticism? Think you’re not good enough, or don’t deserve the success you long for? Do you find that even when you know what to do, you find all sorts of reasons not to do it? We all carry an internal critic in our heads, and it never shuts […]

Some Fun Alternative Definitions of FEAR

False Evidence Appearing Real – the canonical one False Emotions Appearing Real Future Events Appear Real False Expectations about Reality Finding Excuses and Reasons For Everything A Reason F*%# Everything and Run Failure Expected and Received Fighting Ego against Reality Frantic Effort to Appear Real Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 A positive […]

Multiple Streams Step 7: Strengthen Relationships

Artists MBA, Professional Program

All the principles you’ve put into practice and hard work that you’ve done in the previous steps come together in this 7th Step of the Multiple Streams of Income business model. Your pink spoon and product funnel draw them deeper into relationship with you. The research you’ve done on your niche, their language and preferences […]

How to Write the Dreaded Business Plan

Artists MBA, Professional Program

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Benjamin Franklin We’ve all heard this quote, and yet, we struggle and resist against writing a business plan. For most artists and creatives, there’s the myth that the plan will cramp your creativity. But what my private clients discover over and over again, is that the […]

Multiple Streams Step 6: Convert Prospects

Artists MBA, Professional Program

A lot of marketing and sales programs talk about how to Drive Traffic – and we cover that critical area in Step 5.  But if all you do is get people to “Like” your Fan Page or even sign up on your email list – you will not succeed. The key to success in your […]


Artists MBA, Professional Program

Believing that confidence is something that you have, something you can get, something someone else can give you – that is a misunderstanding. Confidence is defined as: a feeling or consciousness of one’s powers. If you believe in your own power and ability, you will FEEL confident. Confidence is an emotion. It is an emotion […]

An Open Letter to LunarPages

or Why I Recommend Against Using LunarPages to Host Your Website The last 2 months have been a virtual hell for me (pun completely intended).  Sometime in the middle of May, I started noticing real problems with my website.  I was in the midst of doing a lot of content creation and tweeking to the […]


Belief, emotional intelligence, Fear

Confidence, as an issue, comes up for my clients, in one form or another, on an almost daily basis.  Over the years, I’ve worked with them to build their confidence and spent a lot of time reading, thinking and studying the issue. I’ve observed that those who struggle with confidence can get a boost when […]