Rising Star Systems

Systems Creation – Work Smarter, Not Harder

Artists MBA, Foundation Program

Ever feel like a rat on a wheel, spinning and spinning and not getting where you want to go? A great way to get off the wheel is to set up systems that automate your business. Anything you do more than twice in your business will be easier, faster, and simpler to delegate if you systematize it.

Niche Marketing – How Thinking Small Can Payoff Big

Artists MBA, Professional Program

What is a Niche, really? And why is everybody talking about Niche Marketing? Many business owners are afraid to define their niche on the mistaken premise that they will lose business as a result. The truth is just the opposite. Designing your marketing around a Niche can enable you to have a major impact on […]

Niche Marketing – How Thinking Small Can Payoff BIG!

What is a Niche, really?  And why is everybody talking about Niche Marketing?  According to About.com a Niche Market is a narrowly defined group of potential customers.  Let me be really clear about this – Niche is not about you.  It’s not about your product or your genre.  It’s about them, your customers/clients/fans.  It’s about […]

Transform Your Belief – The Key To Success

music business, Artist manager

Just as strong muscles help you win a ball game, strong positive beliefs boost your energy and confidence, create opportunities, attract powerful partners, clear obstacles from your path, and propel you effortlessly into action and results. And just like muscles, you need to build and strengthen those beliefs – by using them.

Venues and Artists – A Complex Relationship

Last week, an interesting conversation erupted on a music list-serve that I participate in. I think there is much to be learned from this both by the Venue Owners/Bookers and the Performing Artists who depend on those bookers for their gigs. I have removed all of the names/locations because the real issues here are applicable across locations, genre and venue size. If you are a performing artist looking to book gigs – I strongly recommend you read on – don’t make these mistakes yourself! And if you are a venue owner or booker – you may also find this informative.

If You Build It, They Will Come

Or Will They?

Many artists in the music industry believe that all they have to do is record a CD and their audience is sure to show up. I believe that this mythology has had a detrimental impact on the DIY musicians’ success promoting their music. So, let’s deconstruct this idea and really take a look at it.

How to Maintain Consistent Growth and Development

Have you ever pushed yourself out of your comfort zone?  You know, created something really different, taken a risk that felt scary and hard, pushed through a tough learning curve, talked to someone who totally intimidated you? And after that push – did you feel the almost irresistible urge to pull back to your safety […]

Unblock Your Creativity

Artists MBA, Professional Program

As professionals in the field of creativity, we rely on accessing our creativity to create success. That creativity needs to be engaged, not just in creating your product, but also in your marketing, your systems, every aspect of your business. But our creativity can be like a sensitive child. And it can shut down for […]

WordPress Website Essentials with Jesse Petersen

You’ve heard me say it again and again, you need your own website. A My Space Facebook or ReverbNation page isn’t enough. To succeed in the 21st Century, you must have a web presence all your own.

For most people there are 3 obstacles to creating their own website and in my experience, Wordpress solves all three.