Rising Star Systems


prioritize, overwhelm, opportunity
Opportunity Overwhelm
I recently had a very interesting conversation with a client who called for some in-between-session support....
emotional intelligence, success skills
When Bad Things Happen, Part 2
This article is a sequel to the July 2013 Newsletter Article, When Bad Things Happen.  Of course, I meant...
despair, bad things
When Bad Things Happen
July was a tough month.  It started out well, but one morning I woke up in pain.  I’d done something...
Fear of Success or Fear of Failure?
What’s stopping you?  Do you know? What blocks you from pursuing your dreams with all that you...
Goals, Vision, Planning
Goals - What Are They Good For?
I’ve been reading Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, by Daniel H. Pink.  I expect...
music business coach, success, promotion, marketing, artists
How to Use Goals, Actions and Strategies to Craft a Plan
In Part One of this article – Goals and Actions and Strategies – Oh, MY! – I clarified the...
Goals and Actions and Strategies – Oh, MY!
I was on the TAXI Forum and I came upon this thread “Post your Goals after attending the Rally”...
inner critic, devil on your shoulder
The Devil on Your Shoulder
In my life, I’ve done a lot of work with the critic’s voice, learning techniques and getting quite good...
websites, Internet marketing
Websites and the Artist Entrepreneur
Internet Marketing Part Deux In last month’s Newsletter, I talked about the importance of not only having...
Internet Marketing and the Artist Entrepreneur
Whether you’re in music, film, dance, the visual arts or writing, the presence of the Internet...
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