Rising Star Systems


MUSIC INDUSTRY SECRETS - Trends in Radio Panel
I was invited to attend this panel sponsored by ReverbNation and hosted by The Knitting Factory last...
Get the Learning - the 5th Key to Maintaining Focus in the Face of Chaos
As I teach in How to Use Feedback and Criticism Constructively, every experience is fodder for growth...
managing emotions
Manage Your Emotions - the 4th Key to Maintaining Focus in the Face of Chaos
Just to refresh your memory, in the 1st Key, we looked at the big list, and in the 2nd Key, took everything...
Ask for Help - the 3rd Key to Maintaining Focus
In the 1st Key, we looked at the big list, and in the 2nd Key, took everything off the plate that we...
Clear the Plate - the 2nd Key to Maintaining Focus
In the first installment of this series we created a big brainstorm list of all the stuff that makes...
Maintaining Focus in the Face of Chaos - 1st Key
The Holiday Season can be so joyfully chaotic, can’t it?  Parties and travel and family (with all...
Embrace Your Unique Voice as an Artist
This is primarily directed to artists, but really, it applies to all of us.  Being a unique voice in...
Don't be a Needy Artist
Over the past few years, since I started doing the Ask Coach Debra Calls and being more active on Twitter...
Facebook Promotion Etiquette
In the last week, 2 people have gone onto my Facebook Pages - Debra Russell and Artists Marketing & Business...
Suppose that what you fear could be trapped and held in Paris. Then you would have the courage to go...
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