Rising Star Systems


3 Lessons from American Idol - Top 10
This was a very juicy week for Lessons from American Idol! The first 2 lessons were pretty clearly expressed...
2 Lessons from American Idol - Top 11
In last week's episodes, I felt there were 2 themes worth exploring. The first has to do with the choices...
2 Lessons from American Idol - Top 12
The format of American Idol requires artists to create cover versions of other people's music. This is...
No Failure - Only Feedback
Over the last few months, I’ve been doing a series of calls for the Artists Marketing & Business...
7 Lessons from American Idol - Top 16 Results
In the writing of this blog series - I will not be commenting on who stays and who is voted off, no matter...
2 Lessons From American Idol - Top 8 Male Semifinalists
In Wednesday's American Idol episode there two lessons that can help you be successful as a performing...
3 Lessons from American Idol - Top 8 Female Semifinalists
In last night's episode of American Idol, I saw a few themes that you can apply to your musical perf...
3 Lessons from American Idol - Top 24
For Season 9, I will be commenting on AI every week, so I'll catch up shortly. I'm sure many blogs will...
Social Media Do's and Don'ts
Just read a great blog post with an overview of Do’s and Don’ts in the Social Media world....
Taylor Swift - Is Her Career Over?
I wrote this to Bob Lefsetz in response to his rallying cry for Taylor Swift and against the almost universal...
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