Rising Star Systems

Debra Recommends The Magic of Thinking Big

I recommend this book with one caveat. I’ve seen clients mistake fantasy for goals. Setting goals to make $10,000/month from their music in 3 months when they’re currently barely pulling in $50 a week from their music. Yes – it is key to think big. And it’s also important to make a plan with incremental steps to reach the big picture.

Debra Recommends I Am A Professional Artist

creative, artist

My dear friend, Gilli Moon, brings a level of reality to this topic filled with illusions and lies. And she does it with great humor and compassion. A fellow TAXI Road Rally speaker, she created Songsalive! and several other resources for musicians. I’ve also interviewed her for the Artist’s EDGE Membership.

Debra Recommends Feng Shui for Dummies

organization, transformation

What I love about this book is it takes a system shrouded in mystery and woo-woo and gives the reader a pragmatic and usable understanding so you can apply this to your own space.

Debra Recommends Cashflow Quadrant

finance, business

This brilliant look at the four kinds of business people had a significant impact in how I think about myself and my business as well as what I teach in Business Management for the Creative Mind

Debra Recommends Blogwild! – Key to a Successful Business Blog

blogging, Internet

The world seems to have gone blogwild. More and more personal blogs appear every day, and businesses large and small are realizing that blogging can be a dynamite sales, marketing, and communications tool. Blogs are cheap to set up and operate, and they can humanize a company’s image, start the buzz on a new product, and get instant customer feedback.

Debra Recommends The Artist’s Way – How to Recover Your Creativity

creativity, success

Working through the Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron got me through one of the most challenging times of my life – dealing with a 10 year bout of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. And later, leading Artist’s Way groups led me to coaching – the most satisfying career of my dreams!

Debra Recommends Screen Actors Guild

acting, film

Screen Actors Guild is the most distinguished performer’s union in the world. Their members are experienced professionals who require certain standards of working conditions, compensation and benefits. Membership is often a major milestone in an actor’s career; every SAG card issued symbolizes success and solidarity with a community of 120,000 talented and accomplished artists worldwide.

Debra Recommends Writers Guild of America

writers, union

The Writers Guild of America is a labor union wga-logo-east composed of the thousands of writers who write the television shows, movies, news programs, documentaries, animation, CD-ROMs, and content for new-media technologies that keep audiences constantly entertained and informed.