Rising Star Systems

Internet Marketing and the Artist Entrepreneur

Whether you’re in music, film, dance, the visual arts or writing, the presence of the Internet has significantly changed your industry in the last 20 years. For many of the big corporations who in the past controlled your industry, these changes have been terrifying, threatening their very existence. For the artist entrepreneur, the DIY artist, […]

WordPress Websites for Musicians – An Interview with Middle Tennessee Music

Small Barn Sound, Middle Tennessee Music

I’ve been saying it for years, MySpace, Facebook, ReverbNation – I don’t care – If you are (or want to be) a Professional Musician or financially sustainable Band: YOU MUST HAVE YOUR OWN WEBSITE! Thanks to platforms like WordPress, building your own website or hiring someone to build it for you no longer has to […]

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Step 4: How to Create The Plan

Artists MBA, Professional Program

Once they’ve set a goal, most people make the mistake of jumping right into action doing the stuff they think they should. Which may get them to a level of success, but more often they get stuck at that level, because they are only doing what they already know to do – And they don’t […]

How to Manage Your Marketing – The Contact Management System

Artists MBA, Professional Program

Marketing is creating an environment in which people feel comfortable enough to buy from you,  over and over again. Sounds like a great idea, right? But what exactly does that mean in terms of day to day actions?  And how do you systematize creating that environment? Does this sound familiar? You’ve got a pile of […]

How to Manage Cash Flow for Your Art Business

Artists MBA, Professional Program

Do you know the number 1 reason businesses fail?  Cash Flow. Or to use business terminology, insufficient capital or operating funds. Knowing how to manage your finances (business and personal), manage your cash flow and plan your cash flow management is critical to your success. In this class Debra will show you how to take […]

Time Management Bookends – A Framework for Success

Artists MBA, Professional Program

Time Management is the Number One System that will enable you to achieve sustainable success in your business and your life. If your Time Management isn’t working – nothing else will. I have worked with literally hundreds of clients on the issues that a poor time management system creates They include: Procrastination Difficulties with prioritization […]

Social Media – The Art of Engagement

Artists MBA, Foundation Program

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube – OH MY! Social Media is everywhere and it’s clear that there are some Artists and business owners in the Arts & Entertainment Industry (including the Music Business, Film Industry and Publishing) who are using it to build real world success.  But there are a lot of people who are overwhelmed […]

Time Management 101 – The Art of Juggling

Artists MBA, Foundation Program

“If only I had more time! Then I could do all that I want to do!” There are 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. That won’t change. So how do you use what you have to create the life that you want? The solution isn’t by figuring out how to do more stuff.  It’s figuring out how […]

Multiple Streams Step 8: BOP Positioning

Artists MBA, Professional Program

The final step of the Multiple Streams of Art / Music Income process, establishing your BOP (Bold, Outrageous, Provocative) Positioning, is bigger than your Branding, or your USP (Unique Selling Proposition). Your BOP Position is about who you are and what you stand for as an artist, as a business and as a human being. […]

Get the Learning – the 5th Key to Maintaining Focus in the Face of Chaos

As I teach in How to Use Feedback and Criticism Constructively, every experience is fodder for growth and development, if you are willing to get the learning. Assessing and adjusting as you go will make you more successful, because the ability to be flexible and adapt to changing conditions is a key success principle. So, […]