Internet Marketing and Social Media –Waste of Time or Key to Success in the New Music Business?

The internet has paved the way for the Artist Entrepreneur to create your own career without waiting for the record deal, the publishing deal or anybody to “discover” you. But learning what you need for your business can be quickly overwhelming – do you need a website? What should be on it? What about Facebook? […]
Internet Marketing 101

SEO! SEM! PPC! Oh My! The internet has paved the way for the Artist Entrepreneur to create your own career without waiting for the record deal, the publishing deal or anybody to “discover” you. But learning what you need to know and figuring out how to apply it to your business can quickly become overwhelming. […]
WordPress Websites for Musicians – An Interview with Middle Tennessee Music

I’ve been saying it for years, MySpace, Facebook, ReverbNation – I don’t care – If you are (or want to be) a Professional Musician or financially sustainable Band: YOU MUST HAVE YOUR OWN WEBSITE! Thanks to platforms like WordPress, building your own website or hiring someone to build it for you no longer has to […]
Social Media – The Art of Engagement

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube – OH MY! Social Media is everywhere and it’s clear that there are some Artists and business owners in the Arts & Entertainment Industry (including the Music Business, Film Industry and Publishing) who are using it to build real world success. But there are a lot of people who are overwhelmed […]
Facebook Promotion Etiquette

In the last week, 2 people have gone onto my Facebook Pages – Debra Russell and Artists Marketing & Business Academy – and posted that I should check out their Facebook Page or ReverbNation Page. And my first reaction was – wow, that’s rude.
An Open Letter to LunarPages

or Why I Recommend Against Using LunarPages to Host Your Website The last 2 months have been a virtual hell for me (pun completely intended). Sometime in the middle of May, I started noticing real problems with my website. I was in the midst of doing a lot of content creation and tweeking to the […]
WordPress Website Essentials with Jesse Petersen

You’ve heard me say it again and again, you need your own website. A My Space Facebook or ReverbNation page isn’t enough. To succeed in the 21st Century, you must have a web presence all your own.
For most people there are 3 obstacles to creating their own website and in my experience, Wordpress solves all three.
Top 5 Twitter Mistakes

I’ve been using Twitter for just over a year, now. And I admit it, I’m hooked. Twitter represents an unprecedented opportunity for connecting with your fans, creating new fans and promoting your music or business for little or no money. But I see a lot of people making the same mistakes over and over. And it’s such simple stuff to fix. Here are the top 5 Mistakes and how to fix them:
How to Get Started on Twitter

I’ve done several calls over the last 2 years that refer to Twitter directly or indirectly, and there have been folks on those calls who either JUST started or have not yet started their Twitter account. If this is you, what are you waiting for? Feeling overwhelmed and just don’t know how to get started? Well, this is the call for you.
How to Integrate Social Media into Your Multiple Streams Business

With Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Reverbnation, My Space, Youtube and on and on), you have an unprecedented opportunity to connect with, interact with and deepen your relationship with your fans, clients and customers – FOR FREE!
For every artist who is taking great advantage of these tools, there are hundreds of you who are using them poorly, quitting after a few weeks, or even avoiding them all together. And I say, what a wasted opportunity!