Rising Star Systems

Artists MBA, Professional ProgramToo much to do!  It all feels equally urgent!  Oi – where do I start?

Sound familiar?  We have so many demands on us – both externally – people wanting us to get stuff done for them – and internally – fulfilling our dreams and goals.

How do you manage it all and maintain your sanity?


In this class we discover:

  • The project management mistakes that lead to procrastination and paralysis
  • The two kinds of projects and how to manage both
  • The skill of prioritizing according to your values
  • How to eat an elephant (I mean, manage and complete a project) – you know – one bite at a time!

Additional Resources for this Class:

Prerequisite Class:

Listen to the Class:

[wlm_private ‘Professional|Mastery’]

[iframe_loader src=”http://www.audioacrobat.com/playweb?audioid=P5e980ae46bd719dfb7b1d43b5f860767Z1h%2BQ1REZWt8&buffer=5&shape=6&fc=eaeaea&pc=99CCCC&kc=3399CC&bc=ffffff&brand=1&player=ap24″ height=”20″ width=”206″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”]
MP3 File

Additional Class Materials:


Ready to get serious? Enroll in the Artists Marketing & Business Academy Professional Program to access these classes today!

Your Tuition ($79 per month) includes all Foundation level classes PLUS the Professional level classes PLUS the Time Management Mastery Course & App.


Read the Class Transcript

[wlm_private ‘Mastery’]
Download the full transcript of Project Management – The Key to Getting Stuff Done!
[!wlm_private “Mastery”]

Enroll in the Artists Marketing & Business Academy Mastery Lab to access the transcript of this class today

[wlm_private ‘Foundation|Professional’]

Upgrade to the Artists Marketing & Business Academy Mastery Lab to access the transcript of this class today


Next Class:

[!wlm_private “Foundation”]

Ready to get serious? Enroll in the Artists Marketing & Business Academy Professional Program to access these classes today!

Your Tuition ($79 per month) includes all Foundation level classes PLUS the Professional level classes PLUS the Time Management Mastery Course & App.

[wlm_private ‘Foundation’]

Click here to upgrade to the Artists Marketing & Business Academy Professional Program to access these advanced classes today (at the $65 per month Discounted Tuition Upgrade price includes all the benefits of the Professional Program)


One Response

  1. This class holds huge value for creative people juggling multiple projects, with a phenomenal outline of how to be effective with goals and create better balance in work and life. Thank you for your explanation of procrastination! It allows for forgiveness and alleviates the self loathing that so often accompanies the real space of not knowing what to do next and overwhelm. I am juiced to immediately work on my Performance Results Descriptions as well as create a schedule, which I have been procrastinating on redoing for the last 8 months 🙂

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