Innovate or Perish

[RANT] I am sick and tired of reading articles and blogposts that scream out “… doomsday – the sky is falling, the music industry is dead – it was killed by the internet. Blah, blah, frikkin’ blah!” Enough already! It’s just so much crap! The music industry isn’t dead. IT’S CHANGED! What’s dead are the […]
Taylor Swift – Is Her Career Over?
I wrote this to Bob Lefsetz in response to his rallying cry for Taylor Swift and against the almost universal online and mainstream media bashing.
Debra Recommends Session Singing In Hollywood

Kick-start your Music career the right way with Session Singing in Hollywood.The information in this e-book is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars of potential income in the music business! This e-book is a gold mine of information.
Debra Recommends Bob Baker – The Buzz Factor

Bob Baker is an author, musician, and workshop leader who is dedicated to helping musicians, authors, and creative people of all kinds get exposure, connect with fans, and increase their incomes through their artistic passions. Bob’s books include “Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook,” “Unleash the Artist Within,” “Branding Yourself Online,” “Self-Publishing Success Secrets,” and more. I […]
Debra Recommends Ariel Publicity and Cyber PR

Since meeting Ariel Hyatt from Cyber PR in 2009, we have become good friends. I was honored to participate on a Panel at the TAXI Road Rally that she moderated. (Pictured left to right, Dean Krippaehne, Vikki Flawith, Ariel Hyatt, Derek Sivers, and me, Debra Russell) I was very impressed by her knowledge and presence […]
Debra Russell Recommends ReverbNation

I’ve been hearing nothing but great buzz about ReverbNation as a one stop shop for contact management and social networking for your music business. Here’s what they say on their website: is a Music 2.0 company that is responding to the changing music business paradigm. We provide innovative marketing solutions that musicians need to […]
Debra Recommends Audition

I studied with Michael Shurtleff for 2 years when I was acting in NYC, in the 80’s. In my opinion, this book solidifies in very simple terms the choices an actor must make in order to create a believable character. What’s so beautiful about this, is it enables you to make those choices in the few minutes you have before you step into an audition.
Debra Recommends I Am A Professional Artist

My dear friend, Gilli Moon, brings a level of reality to this topic filled with illusions and lies. And she does it with great humor and compassion. A fellow TAXI Road Rally speaker, she created Songsalive! and several other resources for musicians. I’ve also interviewed her for the Artist’s EDGE Membership.
Debra Recommends Screen Actors Guild

Screen Actors Guild is the most distinguished performer’s union in the world. Their members are experienced professionals who require certain standards of working conditions, compensation and benefits. Membership is often a major milestone in an actor’s career; every SAG card issued symbolizes success and solidarity with a community of 120,000 talented and accomplished artists worldwide.
Debra Recommends Writers Guild of America

The Writers Guild of America is a labor union wga-logo-east composed of the thousands of writers who write the television shows, movies, news programs, documentaries, animation, CD-ROMs, and content for new-media technologies that keep audiences constantly entertained and informed.