Debra Recommends The ABC’s of Building a Business Team That Wins

Great champions in sports, business and even families have one thing in common. It’s a legitimate secret weapon. It is something that lies deep in the genetic code of winning organizations. It appears when pressure is high, when the stakes are critical and when everything is on the line. They know how to work as a team.
Debra Recommends 1ShoppingCart

But if you’re like me and you want something that requires very little programming to customize the look and feel. And a system that offers all the bells and whistles you want and need from your shopping cart – this is a great solution!
Debra Recommends CardScan

I have been using a CardScan scanner for 5 years, and it’s saved me literally hundreds of hours. I gather business cards where ever I go. And these cards used to sit in piles on my desk. Now, in a jif, I scan them into a database, add them to my newsletter list – and they become part of my network, instead of part of the chaos on my desk.
Business Management for the Creative Mind

How many times have you thought to yourself, “I’m creative! I’m just no good at business!” In this dynamic, interactive workshop, I’ll dispel this myth and help you identify and apply your unique talents to create a successful business without sacrificing your creativity or your integrity. Whether you’re freelance, self-employed or working around a day job, acknowledging that you are a small business owner is key to creating sustainable success.
Debra Recommends Guide to Releasing Independent Records

Ask any major label A&R rep and they’ll tell you: the best way to develop your music career is to release your own record. What they won’t tell you is how to make your release a success
Business Management for the Creative Mind Or How to Run Your Art/Music Business

How many times have you thought to yourself — I’m an Artist. I’m just no good at business!
In this dynamic, interactive workshop, I’ll dispel this myth and help you identify and apply your unique talents to create a successful business without sacrificing your art or your integrity.
Working Smarter, Not Harder

In February, we did a call for the Artists Marketing & Business Academy called, “Create Systems – Work Smarter, Not Harder” to begin to address one of the key mistakes artists make in their business. The essence of this mistake is to think of yourself in terms of a self-employed freelancer, going from gig to […]