The Mindset of a Leader – Part 2
In this second of three classes on the Mindset of a Leader, we continue the discussion about what a leader thinks and believes.
When we think about leaders, usually our focus is on their behavior and how their behavior influences the world around them. And perhaps we try to emulate that behavior with varying levels of success.
100% Ownership – The First Key to Leadership
this class delves into the first foundation of Leadership – taking responsibility for your outcomes – all of them. Blaming others, or even ourselves, for unwanted and undesirable outcomes is a way of life in our society. What you may not realize is the tremendous loss this way of thinking creates – loss of self-esteem, loss of empowerment, loss of courage, loss of your dreams and your vision. If any of these issues are a concern for you – this class is essential to your success.
The Art of Leadership – In Your Career, In Your Business, In Your Life
By choosing to pursue a career in which you are, in essence, the CEO, CFO and COO of your own company, you have chosen to be a Leader. By choosing to pursue a career in the Arts and Entertainment Industry, you’ve also chosen to be a leader, not just of your own life, but of your fans.
So, it behooves us to look at this quality of leadership. What does it take to be a leader in your life as well as in the public eye? What makes a good leader, and how do you learn those skills?
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The Shy Singer an Interview with Vikki Flawith
Debra was thrilled to interview singer/songwriter Vikki Flawith, former Artist’s EDGE Member, Champion of the Creatively Introverted & Socially Terrified, opera-howling Blogger, procrastinating Painter, housework-hating Vocalist, power-napping Composer and Aquarian Cyber-Geek. Vikki is a well-respected vocal teacher. And she has signed multi-track deals with several music publishers.
Debra Recommends Taming Your Gremlin
A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way by Rick Carson From This is a completely updated edition of the 1983 classic that introduced a powerful method for gaining freedom from self-defeating behaviors and beliefs. Rick Carson, creator of the renowned Gremlin-Taming Method, has revised the book to include fresh interactive […]
Debra Russell Recommends The Power of Full Engagement
Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz These concepts have helped me tremendously in building a real balance between achievement and nourishing myself into my time management structures. With the understanding that nourishing myself is what enables me to reach peak performance – […]
Debra Recommends The Power of Focusing
A Practical Guide to Emotional Self-Healing by Ann Weiser Cornell, Ph.D. I’ve been personally using these techniques for my own inner work for about 8 years. And I use these techniques on a regular basis with my private coaching clients. I find that “focusing” increases emotional intelligence, access to your intuition and a deeper understanding […]
Debra Recommends Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ
Much of my work with private clients and in my Success Skills classes for the Membership are based on the concepts explained in this seminal work.
Attitude of Gratitude Or How to Handle Rejection and the Other Hard Stuff!
Hard stuff happens – rejection, loss, having to learn new stuff, overwhelm – you know, hard stuff. We know from the Law of Attraction that what you focus on expands and what you expect you get. So how do you put the hard stuff into a context that creates and expands the good stuff?