How to Integrate Social Media into Your Multiple Streams Business

With Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Reverbnation, My Space, Youtube and on and on), you have an unprecedented opportunity to connect with, interact with and deepen your relationship with your fans, clients and customers – FOR FREE!
For every artist who is taking great advantage of these tools, there are hundreds of you who are using them poorly, quitting after a few weeks, or even avoiding them all together. And I say, what a wasted opportunity!
Social Media Do’s and Don’ts

Just read a great blog post with an overview of Do’s and Don’ts in the Social Media world. The How To’s of Social Media (Resource no longer available) By Talia DeVault Having just returned from a Bay Area Women in Film event on “Utilizing Social Media,” I felt compelled to share the knowledge of the creative […]
Twitter for Artists – An Interview with Carla Lynn Hall

If you’re not using, or haven’t gotten the hang of, Twitter yet, it’s a great social networking tool that enables you to get your point across in 140 characters or less. It’s a great way to start and build relationships in less time than it take to send an email. People who are unfamiliar with Twitter often get bored before they see the opportunity that’s available. If you’ve given up on your Twitter account, or want to learn how you can use it to build your business, this workshop is for you!
Ask the Organizer

During the course of a given day, think about how many different ways you might be distracted from the tasks you have in front of you – a notification pops up in the corner of your screen letting you know you have a new email, your phone vibrates to let you know you received a new message on Twitter, the phone rings… and the list goes on and on. Let’s face facts – we live in distraction oriented culture, where we’re encouraged to be in near-constant contact with the outside world.
Debra Recommends Ann Evanston – Social Networking Coaching Club

Debra Russell, of Artist’s EDGE, recommends Ann and her Social Networking Coaching Club! She is committed to teaching the strategies and tactics to successful social networking to grow your business, increase traffic, and generate revenue!
Debra Recommends Ning – Create Your Social Network is a very cool thing! Ning lets you create your own social network and/or join others. Based in Palo Alto, Calif., Ning offers an easy-to-use technology platform enabling you to create and join Ning Networks for your interests and passions. With over 1.3 million Ning social networks created and more than 30 million registered […]
Debra Recommends Patrick Schwerdtfeger Internet Marketing Expert

I met Patrick in 2006 through his San Francisco Bay Area Meetup – The Entrepreneur and Small Business Academy. I am tremendously impressed with his vast knowledge of marketing on the internet, SEO and social media marketing. Patrick is, frankly, a self-described geek and ridiculously passionate about all things internet marketing. And he has a […]
Social Media Marketing – Part 1

I’m completely fired up about doing the social media thing the right way – and I no longer feel completely overwhelmed by it. And so, of course, I want to help you feel the same way.
Social Media – An Interview With Ariel Hyatt, CyberPR

Twitter, My Space, Face Book, oh my! Social Media is everywhere – but what is it really? And how do you incorporate it into your smart marketing plan, efficiently and effectively? Debra interviews Ariel Hyatt from Cyber PR
How to Create Buzz and Stimulate Word-of-Mouth Marketing, An Interview with Bob Baker

On this call, author and speaker Bob Baker dissected and examined buzz and the elusive qualities that create ideas that spread.