PR vs. Advertising

Small Business owners who do not have a background in marketing often confuse PR (public Relations) and advertising. Advertising refers to a very specific thing – buying space/time in a public medium such as print, radio, TV, or billboard. Public relations refers to everything else we do to promote ourselves and our business. Frankly, unless […]
Debra Recommends AWeber – Email Marketing at it’s Best

AWeber is a supercharged email marketing tool. Priced competitively, it allows for more targeted marketing than some of the other tools I’ve recommended.
Multiple Streams Step 5: Generate Traffic

The major purpose of marketing, for any business, is to create awareness and desire for you and your product. You can have the finest quality product. But if no one knows about it – how can you create a prosperous living?
This isn’t about forcing people or manipulating people. It’s about giving people the information they need to make up their own minds and then making it easy for them to take action.
Debra Recommends Blogwild! – Key to a Successful Business Blog

The world seems to have gone blogwild. More and more personal blogs appear every day, and businesses large and small are realizing that blogging can be a dynamite sales, marketing, and communications tool. Blogs are cheap to set up and operate, and they can humanize a company’s image, start the buzz on a new product, and get instant customer feedback.
Website Maximizer: Is your website selling you?

Jeri Goldstein helps you to focus on your unique audiences, and create a unique experience for each of your audiences by making small and sometimes huge changes in your web presence set up. In addition to your main web site, we touch on your blogs and your social marketing sites. This class is applicable to any area of the Arts and Entertainment industry as we create a focus on your own unique audience or multiple audiences.
The Internet Marketing Expert – an Interview with Patrick Schwerdtfeger

Having seen Patrick speak, I’m absolutely thrilled to have him join us and teach us about Step 5 – Generating Traffic:
Over 98% of websites get fewer than 5 visitors each day and a fantastic website without traffic does nothing to build your business. Attracting high-quality website visitors doesn’t have to cost a fortune. With some time and a little direction, you can accumulate strategic one-way inbound links and watch the targeted traffic pour in! This presentation will show you how.