Rising Star Systems

Top 10 Causes of Procrastination

procrastination, guilt, panic, excuses

 I’ve been putting off writing this blog post on procrastination… (only slightly kidding) Let’s talk about procrastination – procrastination is an overwhelmingly common time management problem: 20-25% of people procrastinate chronically. 88% of workers procrastinate 60+ minutes daily on the job. 80-95% of college students procrastinate to some degree. 75% of people consider procrastination […]

Procrastination as Information

procrastination, resistance

When clients admit to procrastinating on an action in session, they are usually shrouded in shame and embarrassment. As if somehow they are a failure, because they’ve been procrastinating. Does this sound familiar: It feels like there’s a part of you that knows you “should” be doing this action and that part even wants to […]

Fear of Success or Fear of Failure?

What’s stopping you?  Do you know? What blocks you from pursuing your dreams with all that you have, all that you are, all of your might? Often when asked this question, the answer is either: Fear of Success or Fear of Failure   And often it’s even expressed as both – “Maybe it’s fear of […]

The Devil on Your Shoulder

inner critic, devil on your shoulder

In my life, I’ve done a lot of work with the critic’s voice, learning techniques and getting quite good at transforming my inner critic to support and inform my forward progress (rather than criticize and impede it). I’ve gotten to the point where, these days, I rarely hear a critical voice in my head. And […]

Time Management Bookends – A Framework for Success

Artists MBA, Professional Program

Time Management is the Number One System that will enable you to achieve sustainable success in your business and your life. If your Time Management isn’t working – nothing else will. I have worked with literally hundreds of clients on the issues that a poor time management system creates They include: Procrastination Difficulties with prioritization […]

How to Do What you Fear

How do you take the day-to-day actions that feal scary or hard? Here are a few tips to make it easier.