Overwhelm – Is It Avoidable?

What is Overwhelm? Overwhelm is a mindset characterized by feelings of dread, helplessness and uncertainty. Sound familiar? It tends to trigger the fight or flight response. So we feel on guard all the time. We become easily angered or frustrated. We react without thought. And often we can freeze like a deer in the headlights. […]
Top 5 Task Management Essentials

Today’s blog is the third installment of my Time Management Mastery series. If you missed the first 2 in the series, you can find them here: Top 10 Reasons New Year’s Resolutions Fail Top 10 Causes of Procrastination If you find them valuable, please leave a comment and share them out to your community. I […]
Procrastination as Information

When clients admit to procrastinating on an action in session, they are usually shrouded in shame and embarrassment. As if somehow they are a failure, because they’ve been procrastinating. Does this sound familiar: It feels like there’s a part of you that knows you “should” be doing this action and that part even wants to […]
Procrastination vs. Keeping My Word to Myself

Debra Russell looks at procrastination, discipline and keeping your word to yourself, especially as a small business owner when you are the only one holding yourself accountable