Top 5 Task Management Essentials

Today’s blog is the third installment of my Time Management Mastery series. If you missed the first 2 in the series, you can find them here: Top 10 Reasons New Year’s Resolutions Fail Top 10 Causes of Procrastination If you find them valuable, please leave a comment and share them out to your community. I […]
When Bad Things Happen, Part 2

This article is a sequel to the July 2013 Newsletter Article, When Bad Things Happen. Of course, I meant to get back and complete the article the very next week. Ah, the best laid plans… But better late than never, right? I recommend you go back and read that article to give you the back […]
When Bad Things Happen

July was a tough month. It started out well, but one morning I woke up in pain. I’d done something to my wrist in my sleep. As that day wore on, the pain got worse until I gave in and went to the ER and after an x-ray they told me it might be broken! […]
Fear of Success or Fear of Failure?

What’s stopping you? Do you know? What blocks you from pursuing your dreams with all that you have, all that you are, all of your might? Often when asked this question, the answer is either: Fear of Success or Fear of Failure And often it’s even expressed as both – “Maybe it’s fear of […]
How to Move Past Your Fear of Success or Failure

Do you feel confronted by the specter of fear or success? When you start to take action to move your career forward, does it feel like you’re pushing against a wall? Or does that wall stop you dead in your tracks? This question comes up often, “How to I move past my fear of success […]
Goals – What Are They Good For?

I’ve been reading Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, by Daniel H. Pink. I expect I’ll be writing an article about Motivation when I’m done with it. But while the book does question the value of setting goals, I am still a big fan of them. In Drive, the studies seem to discount […]
How to Use Goals, Actions and Strategies to Craft a Plan

In Part One of this article – Goals and Actions and Strategies – Oh, MY! – I clarified the differences between goals, actions and strategies and talked about why that is a difference that makes a difference. In this article, I’m going to explain how you can design a plan that employs all three aspects. […]
How to Implement the Learning

There is a lot to learn about how to succeed in your business – whether it’s Music, Art, Film, Dance. Here at the Artist’s Marketing & Business Academy, we strive to teach you all that you need to know to create the career of your dreams. But it’s not enough to simply learn. Knowledge without […]
Goals and Actions and Strategies – Oh, MY!

I was on the TAXI Forum and I came upon this thread “Post your Goals after attending the Rally” (the yearly conference for TAXI Members). While reading through people’s responses to the question, I noticed that most posts were a combination of goals, actions and strategies, with the posters conflating their intended actions, strategies and […]
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Step 5: Implement the Plan

GET INTO ACTION – Finally So, you’ve explored your starting point, created your vision of the ending point, explored all the ways to get there and created a plan. And now, finally, it’s time to put that plan into action! In Step 5 of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Roadmap to Success, you implement the plan that came out […]