Debra Recommends The Magic of Thinking Big

I recommend this book with one caveat. I’ve seen clients mistake fantasy for goals. Setting goals to make $10,000/month from their music in 3 months when they’re currently barely pulling in $50 a week from their music. Yes – it is key to think big. And it’s also important to make a plan with incremental steps to reach the big picture.
Debra Recommends The Law of Attraction

This book has had a profound affect on my experience of my world. Ironically enough, much of my growth around this area started with Seth Speaks which I read around the same time that Esther Hicks discovered it. Having lived in Sedona I have a healthy mistrust of things woo-woo – but I’ve personally experienced things in my life that could only be explained by the Law of Attraction and implementing these concepts actively and intentionally has changed my life for the good.
Debra Recommends I Am A Professional Artist

My dear friend, Gilli Moon, brings a level of reality to this topic filled with illusions and lies. And she does it with great humor and compassion. A fellow TAXI Road Rally speaker, she created Songsalive! and several other resources for musicians. I’ve also interviewed her for the Artist’s EDGE Membership.
Debra Recommends The E-Myth Revisited

The brilliance of Gerber’s approach to systematizing your business has made a significant difference in my success and the success of my clients.
Debra Recommends Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ

Much of my work with private clients and in my Success Skills classes for the Membership are based on the concepts explained in this seminal work.
The Economy and Your Business

There’s a saying floating around out there among the financial and personal growth Gurus – “I refuse to participate in the recession.” I intend to help you come up with an even better, more empowering mantra to keep you focused and clear in this time of challenge, uncertainty and fear.
Business Management for the Creative Mind

How many times have you thought to yourself, “I’m creative! I’m just no good at business!” In this dynamic, interactive workshop, I’ll dispel this myth and help you identify and apply your unique talents to create a successful business without sacrificing your creativity or your integrity. Whether you’re freelance, self-employed or working around a day job, acknowledging that you are a small business owner is key to creating sustainable success.
How to Create a Values-Based Career

What does that mean, really? We talk a lot about values, family values, good values – whatever. But do you really know what your values are – consciously? And how exactly do they affect your career choices and path? Your values are the basis of your self-esteem, self-confidence and how you experience the world. What could be more important?
Succeed in the Arts Business – an Interview with Gilli Moon

This month I am privileged to interview Gilli Moon, author of the book, I Am A Professional Artist – The Key To Survival and Success in the World of the Arts. Join us for some practical steps to succeed and survive in the arts business and enjoy your artistry at the same time.
The Law of Attraction – Truth or Fiction?

In the last year, The Secret has brought the Universal Law of Attraction into the awareness of the broad public mind. But for some of us, this was no secret. Whether you loved the movie or hated it (and I had both visceral reactions), there is no denial that The Secret movie has raised awareness of the universal principle — the Law of Attraction. And I am truly grateful for that.