Debra Recommends A Cure for the Common Life

The Cardinal Rules of Self-Esteem by Catherine Cardinal, PhD This book, originally titled the Ten Commandments of Self-Esteem was written by my dear friend, Catherine. Going beyond what we already know about self-esteem, she offers simple, clear steps that will lead you into the life you deserve. From A CURE FOR THE COMMON LIFE: […]
Debra Recommends Taming Your Gremlin

A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way by Rick Carson From This is a completely updated edition of the 1983 classic that introduced a powerful method for gaining freedom from self-defeating behaviors and beliefs. Rick Carson, creator of the renowned Gremlin-Taming Method, has revised the book to include fresh interactive […]
Debra Recommends The Success Principles

How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be by Jack Canfield and Janet Switzer From Jack’s Website: Jack Canfield, co-creator of the phenomenal bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, turns to the principles he’s studied, taught and lived for more than 30 years in this practical and inspiring guide […]
Debra Recommends The Power of Focusing

A Practical Guide to Emotional Self-Healing by Ann Weiser Cornell, Ph.D. I’ve been personally using these techniques for my own inner work for about 8 years. And I use these techniques on a regular basis with my private coaching clients. I find that “focusing” increases emotional intelligence, access to your intuition and a deeper understanding […]
Debra Recommends The Artist’s Way – How to Recover Your Creativity

Working through the Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron got me through one of the most challenging times of my life – dealing with a 10 year bout of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. And later, leading Artist’s Way groups led me to coaching – the most satisfying career of my dreams!
How to Create a Values-Based Career

What does that mean, really? We talk a lot about values, family values, good values – whatever. But do you really know what your values are – consciously? And how exactly do they affect your career choices and path? Your values are the basis of your self-esteem, self-confidence and how you experience the world. What could be more important?