Rising Star Systems

I’ve been using Twitter for just over a year, now.  And I admit it, I’m hooked.  Twitter represents an unprecedented opportunity for connecting with your fans, creating new fans and promoting your music or business for little or no money.  But I see a lot of people making the same mistakes over and over.  And it’s such simple stuff to fix.  Here are the top 5 Mistakes and how to fix them:

Top 5 Twitter Mistakes

  1. Leave your bio blank or put useless information on it.
  2. Same sidebar and text color.
  3. Tweet quotes without attributing them to their author
  4. Direct Marketing without relationship or engagement
  5. Have all your tweets be marketing tweets

The Dreaded Blank Bio

When someone checks you out on Twitter, usually the first thing they look at is your bio.  Leaving it blank is missing a huge opportunity to let people know who you are, what you do, and what’s unique about you.  In addition, there are several third-party search engines, like tweepsearch and twellow that specifically use keywords in your bio.

You are given 160 characters to tell people about yourself, generous by Twitter standards!  Don’t waste time with full sentences, but don’t abbreviate your keywords either.  Pack your bio with the keywords that will help your fans find you.

Using the Same Color for Text and the Sidebar

Unfortunately, you can’t use a different text color in the Sidebar and your tweets.   So, you have to make sure that the text color works in both places.  Pick complimentary colors for the sidebar, but not too close in shade.  I can’t tell you how often I’ve seen a black sidebar and black text.  Duh – people – no one can read that!  And that tells me that you never even bothered to look at your own profile.

Would you publish a website without looking at it?  Twitter is often the first online place people see you.  First impressions count.  My first impression of a unicolor sidebar?  Well, it ain’t good…

Bottom line, if you want to use black text, use a medium or light sidebar color.  It’s not rocket science.

Quotes Without Attribution

First of all, this is a great way to get shut down by Twitter.  It’s also illegal.  Would you want someone using your music without giving you credit? I didn’t think so.  And in this day and age, there’s no excuse.  If you’re not sure who said it, try typing the entire quote into your Google search box with the word “quote.”  There are so many good quote sites out there, I’m sure you’ll find it.  And if you don’t, you can always say “– Unknown”.  But if you don’t attribute it at all, it’s like you’re taking credit for something someone else said.

Good twitter etiquette is based on generosity.  Always give credit where credit is due.

Direct Marketing Without Relationship

Whether it’s via DM or @mentions, sending a complete stranger a marketing message is always a bad idea.  I can’t tell you how many “@artistsedge listen to my music” type messages I get.  And I promise you, I won’t.  And it’s also pretty unlikely I’ll follow you either.  Twitter is a “social” site.  The social contract is to engage with people first.  Again, it’s based on generosity – so give before you try to get.

Think about it.  Imagine you’re at a cocktail party and you’re talking to someone who just goes on and on about “me me me me”.  Boring right?  If you wouldn’t do it at a cocktail party, don’t do it on Twitter.

Tweeting Promotion, Promotion, Promotion

See number 4.  But it’s more than that.  Your primary focus on Twitter should be about getting to know people and helping people get to know you.  Not just what you’re selling, but who you are; what you believe; what you’re passionate about.  Your tweets should be 70% engagement and 30% marketing/promotion.  Engagement can include:

  • having conversations with your followers and people you’re following.
  • Tips, tricks and resources you want to share with your followers.
  • Retweeting things of interest and/or value.
  • Sharing about yourself (not too much, again, think Cocktail Party, not therapy)

Some of this you can automate (carefully).  But some of it needs to be real time.

Bottom line – people buy from those they know, they like and they trust.  Twitter is an opportunity for you to allow your fans to know you, like you and trust you in a way that would cost millions in any other medium.  Show your fans that you’re real.  Show them you’re interested in them and you care about them.  Show them what you’re passionate about.  And oh, by the way, here’s a link to the new CD….




7 Responses

  1. Thanks so much for sharing. It is beginning to become more unusual to find quality material. Appears plenty of sites are providing nothing unique – just scraped content or rehashed rss feed. Your work is appreciated. Anytime we can find more great ideas about building our business is a good thing like what we share on http://www.provenprofitsystems.com/articles/.

  2. Hey… For some reason strange things are hapenning with your site layout. The borders of the text are overlapping. Everything was working the last time I was here. I don’t know if it’s on my end or if you’ve made a change… Just thought you might want to look at it. Thanks! Kasey Sporich

    1. Hey Kasey – I think it’s on your end – looks fine to me. Try holding down the Ctrl button and using your mouse roller in a downward direction – if you’ve enlarged things on your screen it can make things overlap.


  3. Nice one, 5 of 5.
    Just yesterday I banned a guy who’s tweets were sales only, and all of them had misleading titles… After clicking on 5 links I realized that all his links point to his e-books on sale for 19,95 or something.
    Also he had very ugly webpage, style from ’95 🙂
    Thanks for the article, excellent.

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